The highly purified osteoconductive mineral structure is produced from natural bovine bone through a multiphase process, complying with the safety regulations established by the control agencies. The fresh bone is crushed, receiving a sequence of baths that solubilize the organic structures such as, for example, remaining cells, fibers and proteins, with only the mineral portion remaining this way in order to avoid the induction of possible immunogenic processes in the body. The products made of mineralized bovine bone have an expected incorporation of 6 to 9 months.
Due to the natural origin, Bonefill is comparable to the mineral and morphological structure of the mineralized human bone, it is biocompatible, does not present cytotoxicity, acute systemic toxicity, carcinogenicity and it is not a sensitizing product (ISO 10993-1).
• Fast integration through new bone formation;
• Long term stability of the three-dimensional graft
• No foreign body or inflammatory reaction;
• Rough and hydrophilic surface;
• Excellent cell adhesion and blood absorption;
• Interconnected pores (rapid vascularization);
• Safe, biocompatible;
Preservation of the natural bone structure with improved mechanical properties
-Interconnected pores;
-The production process ensures the exclusion of organic components;
-There are no immunological reactions;
Highly Hydrophilic Surface
• Geliştirilmiş mekanik özellikler ile doğal kemik yapısının korunması
• Birbirine bağlı gözenekler;
• Üretim süreci organik bileşenlerin dışlanmasını sağlar;
• İmmünolojik reaksiyonlar yoktur;
• Yüksek hidrofilik yüzey;
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